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Art therapy is a form of expressive psychotherapy that incorporates art making and creative techniques into the therapy process. In the context of art therapy, patients may dare to create, experience, and play with personal meaning. Art therapist are mental health professionals trained in psychotherapy and various art disciplines. You do not need to be an artist to benefit from art therapy. Treatment is a collaborative and highly personal journey tailored to your needs, goals, and preferences. More information about creative arts therapy can be found on the Office of the Professions website:






Traumatic memories evade words. They store instead in images and sensations. Communicating through visual metaphor mitigates anxiety, bypasses linear narration, and allows for decreased defenses. By incorporating non-verbal processing, art therapy transcends language and affords unique advantages to survivors of trauma. Trauma-informed art therapy interventions aim to counteract fragmentation and dissociation by cultivating integration, hope, and trust essential for survivors’ intimacy and empathy with self and others.​

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